Velocity Marketing Software anti-spam policy, our service is intended b2b communications is crafted to protect our reputations and provide a good experience to our customers and the email recipients'.
What is Spam?
This is unsolicited email to users without the recipients' consent.
What violates our Anti-Spam policy?
a. Sending content that does not comply policy, this includes content that violates the CAN-SPAM law.
b. Sending campaigns with anonymous email accounts, bad contact information, harvested email lists
c. Inappropriate content: anything illegal, hateful, or low quality scores.
What Velocity Marketing Software does do to enforce this policy?
1. Our system has a built-in CAN-SPAM compliance.
2. Block list that have bad domains and invalid addresses.
3. Track complaints from users' and recipients' excessive complaints will cause an account to be shutdown.
4. Every email sent from Velocity Marketing Software contains an unsubscribe link that allows users to opt-out on receiving any future emails.
5. Verify large lists that are uploaded into the system.
6. Include contact information from the sender in the footer of every email sent and the domain whois.
7. GDPR complaint unsubscribe system allows users to view/edit/delete their infomation.
You must agree to our Anti-SPAM policies and our Terms and Conditions as a user of Velocity Marketing Software.