Latest updates for 2021
February 6, 2021, Added Emoji picker to the standard message editor. |
February 6, 2021, UTF8 Characters and Emojis now supported in the of body of the messages for email campaigns. Fixes issues with certain characters in email messages not appearing correctly and now supports many foreign character sets. UFT8 is now the default character set when sending out an email. |
February 4, 2021, Added a trigger report link when viewing the campaign detail page if there are triggers for the campaign. Gives a way to view stats/reports for the trigger and check the status of each triggered email. A/B Campaigns also now have the campaign preview button. |
January 20, 2021, Progress bar added when uploading a list in email marketing and list verify sections. |
January 14, 2021, API Access can now be given to sub users when editing a user permissions. |
January 8, 2021, New setting under system settings URL Encode Personalized Fields by default this is enabled and has been the standard behavior. We have added the option turn off that setting which can fix some link encoding issues when passing personalized field variables in a link url. |
January 7, 2021, New setting under system settings for email marketing. Default campaign send hours. The campaign hours can now be set as global default setting instead of having to select the hours for each new campaign. |