System Updates November

List of our recent updates to our system

  • Feedback-ID header added for gmail used with gmail poster master tools as a FBL. Prefenence Bulk Header only added if email domain name is Listunsubscribe url is now a single unsubscribe post/get request to optout.
  • Retry queue on campaign detail page now lists how many sends out of the total max send times have been sent. And added the option to clear the retry queue and viewing the queue.
  • The list-unsubscribe header now adds mailto support in addition to unsubcribe url. This allows more isps such as hotmail support to use list unsubscribe.
  • You can now drag and drop and copy and paste images into the message editor and they will now automatically be added to your image hosting section in email marketing.
  • Email preview text option added for email marketing messages. Some email clients such as Outlook,Gmail,IPhone show the first sentence of the message. This is hidden text that will appear at the top of the message. This may help increase conversion rates by adding this sentence. Otherwise email clients choose the top wording in your message as the preview text
  • Added date modified to List of messages in email marketing to allow you to tell when a message is edited.
  • Two new api’s added to email marketing addcanspamwhoisinfo and editcanspamwhoisinfo which now allows you to modify the can spam footer information via the api.

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