Author Archives: admin

Email Lists Save/Load Search Results

New feature added to save and load saved search results in email lists. With this feature you can write complex queries one time on your email list and save them for future use.

To access this feature when viewing a list click on the search button.  There you can load a previously saved search result or create a new search query and enter a title to save the search result for future use.


FTP Import and Export For Email Lists

FTP import and export system added for email lists.

Under Add List there is a section called Import FTP/Manage FTP Accounts where you can add ftp accounts and import data from those accounts into your account. FTP import works with any of the following file types .csv, .txt, .xls, .xlsx and .zip containing any of the previous file formats.

In addition to importing data there is an option to export your list now to an FTP account from that same Manage FTP Accounts area. The option can be found when viewing a list in the export list button. When clicked shows a select where you can choose to export to an FTP account.

ftp1 ftp2 ftp3

New Updates!

Smarter IP rotation system when using multiple ip’s. Keeps track of which ip’s work the best for each domain and will attempt to use them when possible.
There is now a link to view the retry queue contents on the view campaign detail page.
{campaignid} can now be embedded in messages and will be replaced with the id of the campaign which you can use if you want to pass information to a tracking system via pixels.
Updated the landing pages of all domains. Includes brief description and a report abuse form. You can choose not to use it if you setup your own custom redirection url for your domain.
Reoccurring campaigns are now disabled if the sending profile no longer exists

Latest Updates

Just quick updates on latest system changes to make your email marketing experience even better.

Retry Queue now has retry queue broadcasters instead of using normal campaign broadcasters.
Added commas formatting to status columns if enabled on the campaign status/reports page.
You can now use {viewwebpage} as a link url to create your own custom view as a webpage link

Email Marketing Delivery Updates Version 5.0 Released

Updates to help improve reputation. New setting added under System Setting called “Retry Mode” This setting allows you to mark an email address as retry later after a certain number of blocked/timed out hits on that domain. The default is five blocked/timed out attempts before the email is added to the retry queue for that campaign. You can enter a value of zero to disable the retry mode system but that is not recommended.
The retry mode should help improve reputation since the isp’s will not be sent excessive emails and help improve the warmup period. The retry mode is not automatic yet. To send emails from the retry queue the campaign needs to have the status of Completed and there needs to be emails in the retry queue for that campaign.
If the campaign is completed on the view campaign there will be a send retries link next to retry queue total. Clicking that link will take you to a retry schedule page to let you choose a date/time to resend the retries. After scheduling the retries you will be taken to the Retry Queue Status page. On the Retry Queue Status page you can monitor the progress of the retries. If you need to access the retry queue page again there is a button from the campaign status page that will take you there.
Note also the retry queue does use up broadcasters as well to send the retries.
Note: With the retry mode system campaign speeds will increase since emails are sent to retry pool on failure.

Sending profiles, ips, and domains now have a total sent column and will show the correct total number sent when using ip/domain rotation. Note this only takes affect for new campaigns sent.

Better handling of greylisting if detected retries again in five minutes.

New setting under System Setting for “PrecedenceHeader:bulk” which can be added to emails sent out. The default setting is enabled . Gmail suggests to use this header. You have the option to turn it on or off it is an account level option.

Added a blacklist report for each campaign. When you view the campaign there is now a blacklist report link called bl report which can help provide information on what areas you can improve on and work on delisting. Note this only works for new campaigns:

Rising of Marketing

Marketing is not a static discipline. The rise of email marketing transformed the way we do business now. Here are some helpful tips that you should pay attention to when sending your email campaigns :

1. Make sure your massage is mobile friendly.

2. Provide the proper content to specific audience.

3. Send your email campaigns with the “Subscribe” code.

Target audience

Email Marketing accurately targets your audience!



Engagement scoring system added to Velocity Email Marketing. Each list in email marketing now contains an enagementscore column. Every email in a list starts off at zero.

When a view or click occurs a points are added to the engamentscore column. More points are awarded for clicks then views.

Using this engagement score system will allow you to see which emails/users are responding the most and to generate a responsive list.

Spin Text feature!

New spinning text feature for email marketing allows better message randomization.
The spin tag works both in the html and text part of the messages.

Spin Tag Syntax {SPIN=TEXTTOSPINHERE|ANOTHERWORD}  You can have multiple words to spin just by adding the | character to seperate each word.

Examples below:
{SPIN=This|Here} is {SPIN=some|a {SPIN=little|wee} bit of} {SPIN=example|sample|paragraph} text.


Notify on Campaign Completion

We just added a new setting to email marketing to notify on campaign completion

There is now a setting when you create/edit a campaign under advanced settings to notify via email to all the users on the account that a campaign has completed.

You can also set this to be autochecked by default under system settings.



New List Creation Options

New export as new list options. New options to create the following types of lists:

Create United States List which includes (.com,.net,.org,.info,.edu,.us,.biz) Create International English which includes  (.uk, .ca, .za, .ie, .au, .nz)

Create International Non English which includes everything else.

To use this feature go to View Lists then check off the lists that you want to generate these new lists from then choose the option under Export New List Also updated the options when creating lists on the view lists page to return to the folder that you were inside.