Couple of powerful new features added to the system include: Advanced Email Forwarding Rules , Multiuploader , ReplyTo. Full details below
November 7, 2021, Advanced Email Forwarding Rules – can now be found under domain settings. With this feature gives the ability to route different email from addresses to go to n forwarding email of your choice. This can be useful if you are running campaigns for different clients or sales reps. This can be done on a domain level or across all domains on the account. |
November 5, 2021, Added a new Reply To email address setting on create campaign.This email address is displayed when a person clicks on reply to an email message. Benefits is that the reply goes directly to that email, which may work better than use a custom from address if you can not setup SPF records. The downsides is the reply email address is exposed in every email sent and that replies will not be captured by the system. |
November 5, 2021, Multiuploader and drag and drop support for email lists and list verification lists. There is now an option on upload pages to drag drop file uploads and or select many lists at one time to import into the system. It copies over any settings you have already entered in on the upload page itself. |
October 14, 2021, New feature on open and click log the option to export the list as a new list. Instead of having to export and reimport. |
October 1, 2021, Drop down selecting a list, campaign, account, or domain name now have a search option. Which makes it easier to find the data item when dealing with large amounts of data. |
September 29, 2021, Image Hosting section now has preview images for images. And a textbox to copy the link to the media image |
September 21, 2021, Adding sub users now has the option to send login information. |