Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lead Personalization added

Lead Personalization added. You can now personalize using any of the following in a quick send email to a lead. <#firstname#> <#lastname#> <#company#> <#jobtitle#> <#address#> <#city#> <#region#> <#zip#> <#country#> <#email#> <#phone#> <#ip#> <#websiteurl#>

File Hosting for your Media Files

File hosting is now supported under the image hosting feature for email marketing. All file types supported and provides an easy way to link to a pdf or file in your email message. This is the preferred method is better than email attachments which many people today are fearful to open.

New Inbox Message Preview

We have just rolled out a new feature that allows you to generate a preview screenshot/code preview of popular mail clients to make sure your email design works well with them

Called Inbox Mail Client Preview added under Add Message in email marketing and click on the “Inbox Mail Client Preview” link.  On that page you can generate previews for many of popular mail clients. Including Entourage 2004,Entourage 2008,Live Mail,Lotus Notes 6.5,Lotus Notes 7,Lotus Notes 8,Lotus Notes 8.5,Mac Mail,Outlook 2003,Outlook 2007,Outlook 2010,Outlook 2013,Outlook Express,Thunderbird 13,Windows Mail,Android 2.3,Android 4,Android Gmail 2.2,BlackBerry 8800,BlackBerry 9930,iPad 5.0,iPad Gmail,iPhone 5.0,Kindle Fire 2.3,AOL,Gmail,Hotmail,,Yahoo!,Yahoo! (Classic)

Using this feature can help ensure that your email message looks perfect on all the popular email clients.

Folder Grouping Options for the Leads/CRM System

Leads/CRM Updates. New feature for leads folders can now be added to group leads together and existing leads can be moved to a folder. Velocity offers a lead/crm management system to manage all your contacts. We are also open to custom development of features that you need for your business.

New advanced feature seperate suppression matches into matching and non matching lists

A new advanced feature allows running  a suppression list against a list and creates two new lists  with records that match suppression in a list called matching and another list of not matching with records that do not match.

Works with  both normal email suppression and MD5 suppression lists.

This feature can be found in your account under email marketing then view lists by clicking on the options button and selecting Suppression Separate Lists.



Lead Management even Easier

Leads/CRM updates making lead management even easier. Now you can create lead accounts based using lead information. With lead accounts you can keep better track of your accounts and organize information better. Each lead account can contain multiple contacts and opportunities both of which are new features. The opportunity system allows you to track progress on projected sales. Each opportunity can contain a sales amount, next step, probability that the sale will close, along with the closing date. Using opportunities allows you to see your projected sales that can come in the future.

Two new list management features

Two new features for list management for email marketing. Added an option to add a column to an existing list. And also have added a find and replace all function. The find and replace all button will allow you to quickly update a column that matches you are searching for to replace. Both of these features can be found when you view a list and click the manage columns button.

Lead/CRM System Updates

Lead/CRM system updates. New features include a calendar and email templates to send to leads.   The calendar features allows storing of events/reminders in the calendar system.   The display of the calendar system looks like a calendar with each day shown in the month.  Clicking on day will show you all the events listed in that day.

The email template feature allows the creation of email templates with a subject and body of the message.  These templates can then be used to send a quick email when viewing a lead to the contact.   Also included email signature management to manage your signatures of your outgoing emails. You can also just use a blank template when sending an email to a contact or adjust change the template subject/message for each contact.

Screenshots of the lead/crm system containing parts of our latest updates

For more information about the lead/CRM system contact your account manager.

System Weekend Updates

Many new improvements/updates to the system.  Amazing part was these ideas came to us this morning and already built them into the system.

List Stats feature added under view list gives an overview of the list. List stats shows all the totals for all the status codes, includes top domains in the list and their percentage of the list along with the active status codes. Also on the list stats is the last five campaigns that have been sent to the list this allows you to quickly see trends at a glance for the list.

New searching of date time ranges for the Click Time and View Time on view list.  For example you can now search list for Click Time greater 07/04/2012 and the system will return any new clicks past July 4, 2012.

New setting under system setting Show Country Flags on view list. This adds an image the country flag of the IP that clicked or viewed.

Added quick send email links on click/view logs. Comes in handy if you want to contact someone quickly who clicked or opened a campaign.

In the leads/CRM module there is now a manage labels area where you can edit/delete labels for leads.

Email Marketing API’s updates

We made some updates to the email marketing API.  Added eight new api’s that can be used. They include pausecampaign, resumecampaign, retryerrorcampaign, deletecampaign, deletetrigger, deleterecurringcampaign, deletewhois, deleteemailbyemailid More details on these API calls can be found in the API tab in your account.