CRM/Lead Management Updates

A new update to the CRM/leads system. You can now create labels for leads with color coding supported! An easy way to classify and spot the leads you are looking for.

Add label to a lead page.

Lead display after a lead has been marked with the label


For a demo please contact us or fill out a demo request form.


Randomize List Feature

Added a new feature to creating campaigns for email marketing.  The option to randomize a list. To do this under create campaign or create A/B campaign click on advanced settings and check the “Randomize List” option.  One of the benefits of this feature is when you have a list with many emails going to  one domain in a row the system will randomize the order which reduces the connections and adds a time delay.  This is another feature that may help improve the delivery in your marketing campaigns.

Other Email Marketing Feature Updates

What a week we have rolled over seven new major updates to the software in the past eight days!

Newest update just rolled out last night was domain rotation groups. You can now setup a group domains like ip addresses to rotate when sending a campaign. One aspect to keep in mind please ensure that any domain that you are rotating is also pointed to the ip address that you are using for best delivery results.

Also in the last couple days we added three other new buttons to the message editor when setting up an email campaign.

1. You can now insert a view as webpage link anywhere inside your message.

2. A new button to insert an image from imagehosting into your message. You no longer have to go back and forth between image hosting to find the image url to insert into your message. Just select an image and it is inserted into your email marketing message.

3.  Easy to insert personalized fields. New button that allows you to select a list then click on a column inside the list which then inserts that column name inside the message to allow you to personalize the message piece.

Anytime you have a request or feature idea contact us either via email or the support and we can review the request. If the request will benefit users we will looking building that feature.


Social Sharing Icons

New feature added Social Sharing Icons can now be inserted into email marketing campaigns.  In the message editor there are now easy to insert social share buttons for the following social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter,  LinkedIn, Google+. In addition also under view campaign you can see the total shares when using the social networking sharing icons. And on the view campaign page as well there is sharing codes links for all the popular social networking websites.


New Campaign View – Calendar View

Built a new way to view all your campaigns for a month at a glance.  Called Calendar View.  Allows yo to see any campaigns scheduled, running, or that have completed.  Each day of the month can be clicked on to show all the campaigns that have ran for that day.


Latest System Updates

May 3, 2012, Updated reply management feature with some new improvements: Including the from name/from address are now shown on the replies page. Added delete all button, along with delete out of office replies. Added sorting of the subject line, date, and from name column
May 3, 2012, Added tooltips under campaign status and sending profiles. To display server and ip information when you hover either over the Server ID or ip address. Any feedback or suggestions on where else a tooltip might be helpful you can leave us in a support ticket.
April 30, 2012, New feature that allows editing of the email address and supporting data for an email inside a list. To do this just click on an email address when inside a list to go to the edit page.
April 24, 2012, Added new message tool to convert embedded styles to inline styles which allows better compatibility with email clients. Also included option on add message/upload message to auto update a new message.
April 10, 2012, New feature to customize the layout and verbage of the unsubscribe page. This feature can be found under email marketing and then under Footer/Whois Settings and then click on Customize Unsubscribe Page
April 5, 2012, Whitelist email marketing accounts now have access to imagehosting, landing pages, templates and optin form creator features.
April 1, 2012, Added color coding on create/edit campaigns either green, orange, or red depending on the sender score for the IP address. This feature requires reputation monitoring to be turned on for the ip addresses.
March 27, 2012, New feature: Domain Delivery Groups added. This feature allows the option to set the maximum number of connections at any given time for a domain or group of domains. We have loaded some preset connections limits for the major isps. To use this feature on create campaign under advanced settings check use delivery groups. To configure custom delivery groups or change the connection limits on existing groups this is done under Email Marketing then System Settings and click on the Delivery Domain Groups button.
March 21, 2012, Added area to view feedback confirmation emails under Feedback Loops -> Feedback Loop Confirmation Emails. Allows you to manage and click the links for approval when needed.

System updates

Recap of all the system updates for the last couple of months

March 18, 2012, Added option to control which domains are included for DKIM signing under System Settings DKIM Domains. Also added title headers on major email marketing sections.
March 11, 2012, New Optin Form Creator a complete redesign. Features include drag/drop of fields. Better styling options and new field types. Requires at least one email element in order to function
March 10, 2012, Recurring campaigns added as an option when creating a campaign. Settings include number of times to repeat a campaign and different interval options. Recurring campaigns are stored under the reoccurring campaigns link in email marketing.
March 3, 2012, New feature Global List Stats found under View Lists. This feature totals all the lists in your account for the major status codes. Also figures out domain stats for the top 25 domains in each list and totals the number of emails, along with good,blocked, and bad address.
March 1, 2012, We have completed the move to new listservers for all accounts. All list data is now stored on faster servers and list uploads/campaigns should run faster.
February 17, 2012, Improved the handling of image hosting. Images should now load faster than ever inside email messages.
February 15, 2012, We have completed the move to a new server for the platform which will bring better performance for the system. We are continuing on working improving and making operations faster.
February 15, 2012, Maintenance notice system moving to new servers for the main system today should be complete within a couple hours staring at 10:00 CST. The system will be online campaigns maybe delayed along with list operations.
February 11, 2012, Added exporting of landing page form capture results by form. Also added another listserver to improve performance. Working on upgrading the main system this week as wll to a new server to also improve performance.
February 5, 2012, Improved performance of the A/B campaign system. Faster startup times for A/B campaigns along with less disk usage.
January 14, 2012, Option to choose which columns are shown under campaign reports and campaign status. Click on the preferences button in each section to configure which columns are shown.
December 27, 2011, Added filter by option under campaign status to help manage many email campaigns easier. Filters by the different status codes for the campaigns.
December 20, 2011, Added a view local bounces option under Unsubscribe list. Shows all address does not exist records for all the lists inside your account. This is used as another level of suppression when sending out your campaigns to help improve delivery. There is a setting to disable this feature under System Settings.
December 16, 2011, Added quick setup links to major FBL’s under feedback loop reports.
December 9, 2011, List-Unsubscribe header added as an option under system settings for email marketing. Default it is turned off. The header allows easier unsubscribing from email providers that support that header and should help with complaint rates.
December 8, 2011, IP Rotation groups added under create campaign. Now have the option to setup your own ip rotation groups for accounts that have multiple ips. In addition to option of rotating with all the ips on the server. Rotation groups are per server and allows setup of your own ip configurations.
December 6, 2011, Added option to create stored groups for subjects,from names, from addresses and can be loaded from the create a/b campaign page

Email News – AdWords testing Newsletter Signup Forms

It appears that Google AdWords is testing out new ad formats on their search engine that featured a newsletter signup form.

The ad also includes a privacy notice. It does not appear the notice can be customized at this time. For now,  it just is hover box that details the email address will be passed to the advertiser.

When you submit this form, your email address will be sent to Google which is then passed to the advertiser and verified that the data is passed to Google using Wireshark.

Google sees the email address the user enters and passes it back to the advertiser. One area of concern in my testing so far is that I have not seen a confirmation email to confirm my subscription. Hopefully Google will add that feature. Otherwise, the system can be pr0ne to abuse.

After submitting, you are not redirected anywhere. The text box simply disappears and says that you have subscribed to the newsletter.



This will be a new exciting way to build an optin list for email marketing.

Depending on the pricing model which I do not know at the moment if is the same as click price or if they have different cpa structure setup for newsletter signups.

Other unknowns is what kind of system they have to pass the data back to the advertiser. Do they offer an api to download this information? Is the information posted back to an advertisers sites? Or is it just a csv document that can be downloaded. Time will tell and I am interested in hearing any AdWords publishers that have access to this feature.

Hopefully this feature will be rolled out to all AdWords advertisers shortly. If you have a large AdWords you can try contact your account manager and see if you can get invited to the beta.

Recent Updates to the Software 12/5/2011

December 5, 2011, New feature: Landing pages and form builder for Email Marketing. Landing pages and webpages can now be created and stored on the sending server. A built in form builder to build data capture pages. The forms can be embedded into the landing pages or on your own website. The submission data can be viewed inside the system and options to notify via email on new submission.
December 4, 2011, CRM/Lead system autochecking of incoming leads for possible spam/garbage leads. Checks the ip/email address of the lead against a database for spam checking.
December 1, 2011, New feature under Reputation Central option to decode a spam report in case a report is received from a server provider and the email address is stripped out.
November 30, 2011, Added setting under MyAccount to control the default number of items per page. Can be set to either 10,25,50,100,500, or 1000.
November 22, 2011, Added sorting by clicking on column name for View Lists, Campaign Reports and Campaign Status
November 19, 2011, Minor tweaks: Added ability to remove errored lists, and edit errored campaigns which can allow switching of sending profiles. The number of whitelisted credits now displayed when creating whitelisted campaign and whitelisted package size display on the homepage
November 18, 2011, Customize Message Footer option added under System Settings in email marketing. Allows customizing of the layout of the CAN-SPAM footer information for html and text based messages. The system checks that the required elements are included.
November 15, 2011, Added option to view A/B campaign results for subject lines, from names, messages, and from addresses. This feature is located under campaign detail called View Campaign A/B Data and is found near the bottom of that page above the campaign graph.

Software Updates

November 14, 2011, New Campaign type: Create A/B Campaign adds the following extra features: Rotating of subject lines, from names, from addresses and messages. Includes two types of rotation either rotate in order or randomly. We are are also working on detailed reports to show which rotation combination’s are effective.
November 9, 2011, Redid the check domain and ip reputation system. New system is faster no longer have to wait for the page to load completely.
November 6, 2011, Click, View, Conversion logs can now be exported under view campaign detail. Added select image hosting domain button under view image for image hosting.
October 20, 2011, Hotmail/msn/ feedback loops now supported. Processes replies.
October 18, 2011, API is now supported for the system. This can be found in the API tab in the software. Over the next couple of weeks we will be adding support for more api calls for the software.