Load/Sync your own domains from your registrar

Sync/Load your own domains from your own Namecheap/Moniker account. We now support importing of domains from your own Moniker/Namecheap account this feature can be found under Domains then clicking on the Domain Registrars button.
Inside Domain Registrars you are now able to link to multiple support registrars and load the domains from the linked accounts into the system. Once loaded into the system you can either proceed with the domain setup options or delete the domains you do not want to use.

The domain setup creation automatically setups up the private nameservers for the domain and then you can put a request in with support to setup the sending profiles for that domain.

One note for the api’s you must add the system ip to the registrars api access settings in order for the sync domain process to work.

List Feature Updates

On the create/edit campaign pages for list and suppression select for lists that are inside folders.  In front the list name will be the folder name in brackets [foldername] this allows easier finding of lists in folders.

Added a copy list function under View Lists -> then clicking on the Export New List button and choose the copy list option to make a new copy of the lists that were selected.

Sequences added to Email Marketing

Sequences added!  A new extremely powerful feature for email marketing the creation of a series of campaigns that can be sent to a list based on a time schedule.  For time schedule you can choose to send every day, every week based on certain days of the week or every month on a certain day. Also the option to set how many times the sequences runs.

This feature is found in the email marketing tab in the sidebar under Sequences

Sequences List


Add Sequence


Edit Sequence




Email Marketing API Additions

Email Marketing API updates:
The uploadlistbyurl api now returns the listid created for the list.
getfeedbackloopreports now has the option to return only FBL reports by campaign id
getunsubscribelist now has the option to return only unsubscribed emails by campaign id
New api createlist – allows creating a list via by posting a list of emails. Works same away as the enter small list option in email marketing just now able to use it via the api. Best to use only with small lists under 1000 records for larger lists use the uploadlistbyurl api.

System Updates in recap for Last Week

March 3, 2014, New feature for optin form builder. if you have the leads tab there is now an option to copy the data from the optin form to the leads section.Also under image hosting in email marketing there is now button that allows you to change out the image hosting domain on a message.
March 1, 2014, On the optin form builder get code page and the form build builder code page there is now a link to create a landing page based upon the generated code with one click.ISP Organization now shown on ip detail page.Replies for reply capture area are now only stored for 30 days after that they are autoarchived.

February 27, 2014, Auto handles replies capture emails that have unsubscribe or optout in the subject line to auto unsubscribe them from the account.New setting Smart IP Rotation which has been enabled by default under system settings. Now allows you turn that feature off or on.

Reply Capture System Improvements

Updated the reply capture system. Improvements include better handling of messages. There is now a link in the sidebar called View Replies which allows you to see any of the replies that came in. The old check replies link under domains will be retired shortly. On the main email marketing tab under account/package information lists the last five replies that came in. Email replies are checked for every 25 minutes there is also an option under View Replies to check for current replies from a domain.


Also for email forwarding added a link to the view the last reply forward error if there was an error forwarding the reply.

Other interface changes:
Moved conversion tracking from the sidebar in email marketing to under system settings.
Moved Bounce SMTP Processing to under SMTP Servers

API New Additions

Added three new api functions adduser, edituser, and deleteuser api’s which allows adding additional/editing/deleting users from an account. Also updated the getclients clients api to include the main permissions the client has.

For more information on the api’s visit the api tab.

New split list email delivery feature

Split list email delivery feature on create campaign, create a/b campaign and create ad station campaign. What this feature does is allows you to split up a list during a campaign into separate partial campaigns based on the number of list split parts/chunks.
And spread those partial campaigns across selected sending profiles to optimize delivery. This saves a lot of time instead of having to create a partial campaign for each part of the list and selecting a different profile for each.


Also minor API updates. The createcampaign api now supports multiple suppression lists and now also supports creation of adstation campaigns. Read the api documentation in the api tab.

Updates State Level Tracking for Views/Clicks and Easier Personalized Fields in Subject

Added state level tracking on the open and click logs. Allows tracking for ip’s in the United States on a state level. To view the open and click logs click on the campaign detail page then on that page there are links to open and view logs.

Added insert list field for subject line on create campaign in the email marketing tab. This simplifies the process of inserting a personalized field into the subject line instead of having to refer directly to the list itself. To use select a list then click on the show insert field and then select the field to insert into the subject line.



List Conditions on Create Campaign

On create campaign there is an option under advanced settings to setup List Conditions based on the selected list. This can be used to send to a portion of a list that meets a specific list criteria.  For instance lets if the list has a custom column called state. Using the list conditions system the list can be filtered by a specific state and when sending campaign would only go to the state specified in the list condition.  This eliminates the need to create a new list first to filter by that criteria needed.
