Added 35+ new templates for email marketing

Added 35+ new templates to the system for email marketing.
Also most of these templates have full width, right sidebar, and left side bar options which gives different views for each template.


Friday Updates

Updates in before the weekend!

Added option to export full records on the open/click log pages in email marketing.

New button reoccurring campaigns giving the option to change the next send date for a reoccurring campaign in mass.



Email Marketing/CRM Updates

Email Marketing – Quicksend/api/forwarding emails new features.

Added a stats page on Forward/Autoresponder logs to see a breakdown at glance of status codes for all emails and open/click stats.

Emails sent using quicksend/forward/api that bounce are now added to local bounces . With the sendsingleemail api local bounces is checked against the email passed and will return an error if it is a known bounce.

Added support for text part in the sendsingleemail api call.

Total usage for the month for these sends is now shown in usage area.


Leads/CRM – Added option to add a followup to your outlook meeting calendar.

Email Status Code Changes and Updates

Important interface updates for email marketing.  New email status code added called “Pending”  which occurs when new emails are imported into the system via upload list or add list or if you manually add an email to a list.
We have also relabled the Good status code to Delivered to make it clearer.
Added an export button to the retry queue to export emails in the retry queue.
Added on the email marketing tab a total for API/Forwards emails sent out and total emails sent this period vs campaigns if you have sent emails other than normal campaigns.

Block IP’s from opening/clicking

New option in email marketing to block ip’s from opening/clicking in an email campaign. This feature is located in unsubscribe list in email marketing and by clicking the Block IP’s button.

Can be useful to filter unwanted ip’s click/views from a campaign.



Interface Changes Email Marketing

Interface changes for email marketing moved the campaign triggers link in the sidebar to the Create Campaign select campaign type screen. On the view lists link moved two buttons global list stats and operations log to a new Stats button.

Added quick links on all create campaign types to create new custom from address, create trigger, and create ip/domain groups.


Export Leads to Email Marketing

Leads/CRM new option when exporting leads to export them directly to the email marketing tab for use in your email campaigns.



Leads User defined fields now supported

Leads/CRM – user defined fields now support for leads. Under the leads tab there is an option to create your own user defined custom fields. This feature is found under the Options button. The custom field is that shown on the main leads page, and the add/edit/view lead pages.



New Retry System Settings for Email

Recently added two new settings for managing the auto send retry system for email marketing.

New setting for email marketing Disable Auto Send Retries will turn off the automatic sending of retries by the system which by default sends the retries five times.

Added a setting for Email Marketing -> Max Auto Send Retries under System Settings. This setting controls how many times the auto retry send campaigns are sent out the default is five times




Autosend Retries

Automated retry system now enabled. For the retry queue if enabled when a campaign completes will now auto schedule sending of retries based on the “Auto Resend Hours” setting. The default is 24 hours if you set to zero hours the system will auto send the retries as soon as possible.